Room 22 had taken part in Rugby League yesterday.As we walked to the courts we happened to walk pass it because Ms Tito told us to line up but we scattered out like scrabbled eggs.
Then we all saw Sio Siua Taukeiaho from 2011 Vodafone Junior Warriors Squad.The first drill we did was zig zagging round the outside of the cone but we could only go 1 at a time.Henry started of for us and as Henry ran passed and he stepped ran down the pass and touched the line.When it was my turn I was shivering with excitement we got about 2 turns then moved on to the next game.
It was simile to the zig zag game but people where standing next to the cones to make it hard to see.When we went through the cones we cheated a couple of times but we didn’t care.
We played one more game you kicked it and try get the nearest person out or kick and caught.Every time a ball came next to me I moved but then Lepa got me out and I was like oh.Then we played 1 more time more and more people got and it was only Me,Annexe and Maree then Annexe just got Destiny out.