One thing I would like to say to Ms Tito is that she has been the best teacher I have ever had. You are supportive and caring in every way but also angry sometimes. This year everything we did you made fun and exciting. I've enjoyed being in your class this year and I glad you picked me to be in Room 22. I hope you travel safe and have a great time with your new School in Wellington. I'm going to miss you badly and I bet you will be a great teacher at your other school but I bet you love us the most. I love you with all my heart and I am going to miss you.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Ms Tito Farewell.
One thing I would like to say to Ms Tito is that she has been the best teacher I have ever had. You are supportive and caring in every way but also angry sometimes. This year everything we did you made fun and exciting. I've enjoyed being in your class this year and I glad you picked me to be in Room 22. I hope you travel safe and have a great time with your new School in Wellington. I'm going to miss you badly and I bet you will be a great teacher at your other school but I bet you love us the most. I love you with all my heart and I am going to miss you.
Monday, December 12, 2011
What does being a year 8 role model.
A good role model is someone who is Responsible and a good House Leader. One person I think that’s a good House Leader is my Brother Rayden and one day I want to be just like him a Leader.
One person that I think has been a great role model is Tamati because his responsible and helps the little kids.
I think Teari would made an amazing leader just because she’s caring and helpful at all times and David would make a brilliant one too.
One big goal I would like to achieve next year is trying to become a House Leader or a Cleaner for Mr Burt. I have one thing in mind that I can’t wait til I'm a year 8.
One person that I think has been a great role model is Tamati because his responsible and helps the little kids.
I think Teari would made an amazing leader just because she’s caring and helpful at all times and David would make a brilliant one too.
One big goal I would like to achieve next year is trying to become a House Leader or a Cleaner for Mr Burt. I have one thing in mind that I can’t wait til I'm a year 8.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Reflections- Netbook
This year was the first year that yr 5-8's got given our netbooks. It was really exciting that I got my netbook just be touching it I was happy. As well as taking our netbooks home it was up to us to take good care of it.
Two thing I didn't like about having a netbook was typing because I wasn't a really good typer and was really slow and the Internet it's so slow. I'm a better then I was before so that's great. but I owlud like to improve more.
Comparing my learning with last years has really changed alot. Having a netbook is easy to search and to learn at the same time. At times writing was sometime's boring and took along time and be not using paper you can save our Tree's.
I think Pt England is the luckiest school in Auckland and love having a netbook
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Have ever trick or treated before?I have.
Yesterday it was Halloween I was only going trick or treating for my sister. Luckily only three people visit because we didn't have any lollies.
I think because we are getting older we don't enjoy it as much as we didn't when we were younger.
I like Halloween cause of the lollies.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Movie day
Have you ever been to the Hoyts Movie before?I have a lot of times. It was a Tuesday morning and I woke up happily knowing that we were going to the movies. I decide to watch Smurfs we my sister and let the boys have there own time together.
We waited at the Train Station for 15 minutes and finally it arrive “About time”. We arrived at Sylvia Park and we went to go get our tickets and I just heard that the Smurfs had started I was so angry and the next one begun in an hour. So we went to Pack n save to get some food.
We waited at the Train Station for 15 minutes and finally it arrive “About time”. We arrived at Sylvia Park and we went to go get our tickets and I just heard that the Smurfs had started I was so angry and the next one begun in an hour. So we went to Pack n save to get some food.
They opened the doors for us. We got all ready and got all our food out I was so excited as it movie began. Watching it for along time I felt sleepy. After it finished we went to Burger Kings as we got our food I nearly fell to sleep.
It was so fun and I can't wait til next time
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Thinking game

This morning our classroom did something different we played a thinking game. Each group got five objects and one solving problem. We had to be creative and logical to find a solution. The items we had were a ladder,shell,towel,ball and rope.
At first I thought it was going to be hard but it was really fun I enjoyed it and can't wait to we do it again and I hope we get a harder solving problem.
Here's the pictures of all my items
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The last week or so
It's the last week of the term and 'Wow' what a wonderful term it has been.
Knowing that the 2011 Production is starting and heaps of people have been auditioning for parts like Acting,Dancing,Singing and many more things. Lately they have been practising so that means the rest of Room 22's year seven's and eight's are going to different classroom's.
The Room I got split up into Room 19. I enjoyed being in room 19 for the last few days. I knew I should have sign up for something, anything I said to myself. I should have because I have a passion and it is singing.
I don't really like going into different classes sometimes because I like being in my real class and having my real Teacher but, I can't wait for the holidays.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Maths Whizz
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Mrs Richards

Yum. Have you ever tasted Won Tons before I know I have it was my first time. On
Friday it was Mrs Richards last day. She was our student teacher and had been in our class for the last 4-5 weeks.
Mrs Richards even had her own knitting club for people who were interested.
Mrs Richards cooked Chinese food with seven people in the tuck shop. After lunch we sat on the mat waiting for Mrs Richards come in with the food. As soon as I saw it I was shocked because she had cooked so much food for us.
It was my turn to go up and looked at all the food it looked delicious.Every bite was delectable Thank you Mrs Richards and helpers.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Rugby 7's

On Friday our Rugby 7's team had just arrived back from the Aims Games in Tauranga. They had came home us our Pt England champions this year.
We had a special assembly held for our Rugby boys. The boys walked up onto the stage and sat down with their special medals. They shared some of their favourite highlight was. They made us smile until Junior shared his highlight and everyone laugh.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Team 5 Challenge
Yesterday there was a team 5 challenge held at the bottom field for our whole senior block.Every teacher had a cool challenging game prepared for us.
As we walked down to the field and I saw Mr Harris get already and prepared.Then Ms T pulled out a couple of ball and then there hoops already set up I thought we were throwing balls into the hoops and I said to myself “Its going to be easy”!But as soon as Ms T brag out the sling shot I melted down.“Its going to be double trouble”.It was my turn to go up but I was nervous and people might have laughed at me in a mean way so I missed my turn.Then after a couple of times seeing another people do it I didn't realize how much fun it looked so as I was walking to go have a turn but it was time to rotate.
Our second game we played was partnering up tying a rope round your leg and walking with a spoon and tennis ball.So as soon as Mr Harris told us to partner up Emilee and I did.When it was our turn we tied the rope around then I held the spoon and tennis ball.Ready,set,go we went off like two slow snails.I dropped the spoon and ball a couple of time and fell over a few times and it hurt.Then the winner out of our class versed one another it was funny watching some of them fall.
My most favourite game was Mrs Nua’s because it involved water.
As we walked down to the field and I saw Mr Harris get already and prepared.Then Ms T pulled out a couple of ball and then there hoops already set up I thought we were throwing balls into the hoops and I said to myself “Its going to be easy”!But as soon as Ms T brag out the sling shot I melted down.“Its going to be double trouble”.It was my turn to go up but I was nervous and people might have laughed at me in a mean way so I missed my turn.Then after a couple of times seeing another people do it I didn't realize how much fun it looked so as I was walking to go have a turn but it was time to rotate.
Our second game we played was partnering up tying a rope round your leg and walking with a spoon and tennis ball.So as soon as Mr Harris told us to partner up Emilee and I did.When it was our turn we tied the rope around then I held the spoon and tennis ball.Ready,set,go we went off like two slow snails.I dropped the spoon and ball a couple of time and fell over a few times and it hurt.Then the winner out of our class versed one another it was funny watching some of them fall.
My most favourite game was Mrs Nua’s because it involved water.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I have never played Badminton before so I was curious to try something new. On Thursday Morning Room 22 was first to go into the hall to practice how to play Badminton.
At first we kicked off with Laureen inter gusting herself to us.Then we got straight into controlling the shuttle with our badminton sticks.Laureen said always keep focus on the shuttle and always hit it gently then as soon a I looked down I lost my concentration I was worried that I wouldn’t get the hang of it be the end of this lesson.
My favourite activity that I like the most was practice how to hit the shuttle under your legs and hit it back to your partner. At first when I saw Laureen and Charm controlling it and to me it looked Easy-Peasy but trying it and learning how to hit it David and I failed trying to hit it but when Laureen come over to help us and Laureen told David and I that we were hitting it to hard.Then I said to myself this will be a challenge for me 3 shoots at less.
What I really liked about Badminton was controlling the shuttle with your badminton stick and focusing on the shuttle and not looking down.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Presentation of Fiji
This is a presentation that Emilee and I put together about Fiji.With the Rugby World Cup coming up and 20 countries attending, our senior block had to work on different countries. We choose to research Fiji.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Topic vocab vine
Modify: I changed my design by putting p.e.s that means Pt England School,clovers on the cautions and putting different colored greens on there.
Generate: We are generating ideas by coming up with ideas.
Practical; It is reasonable,possible and suitable for a certain purpose
Solution:Finding a problem or finding answers.The problem i think that me and Tule had to find out was trying to cooperate together because we were wondering around.Identify: I need to identify a problem, making the street a place we all love and respect by designing furniture to enhance learning and is an extension of our classroom.
Research: We need to do some research to find designs of furniture to inspire our own ideas and get creative with it by looking up funky furniture and
Evaluate;To assess (How did I/we do)
Visualize:To see in your head,image
Reflect:To think carefully or deeply about it by focusing.
For the last 4-5 weeks Room 22 have been focusing on our topic Bigger,Better,Faster,Stronger and we are doing our design process and prototypes.
Generate: We are generating ideas by coming up with ideas.
Practical; It is reasonable,possible and suitable for a certain purpose
Solution:Finding a problem or finding answers.The problem i think that me and Tule had to find out was trying to cooperate together because we were wondering around.Identify: I need to identify a problem, making the street a place we all love and respect by designing furniture to enhance learning and is an extension of our classroom.
Research: We need to do some research to find designs of furniture to inspire our own ideas and get creative with it by looking up funky furniture and
Evaluate;To assess (How did I/we do)
Visualize:To see in your head,image
Reflect:To think carefully or deeply about it by focusing.
For the last 4-5 weeks Room 22 have been focusing on our topic Bigger,Better,Faster,Stronger and we are doing our design process and prototypes.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Leauge Lession
Room 22 had taken part in Rugby League session with Sio Siua from the Junior warriors
Topic vocab vine
Modify: I changed my design by putting p.e.s that means Pt England School,clovers on the cautions and putting different colored greens on there.
Generate: We are generating ideas by coming up with ideas.
Practical; It is reasonable,possible and suitable for a certain purpose
Solution:Finding a problem or finding answers.The problem i think that me and Tule had to find out was trying to cooperate together because we were wondering around.Identify: I need to identify a problem, making the street a place we all love and respect by designing furniture to enhance learning and is an extension of our classroom.
Research: We need to do some research to find designs of furniture to inspire our own ideas and get creative with it by looking up funky furniture and
Evaluate;To assess (How did I/we do)
Visualize:To see in your head,image
Reflect:To think carefully or deeply about it by focusing.
For the last 4-5 weeks Room 22 have been focusing on our topic Bigger,Better,Faster,Stronger and we are doing our design process and prototypes.
Generate: We are generating ideas by coming up with ideas.
Practical; It is reasonable,possible and suitable for a certain purpose
Solution:Finding a problem or finding answers.The problem i think that me and Tule had to find out was trying to cooperate together because we were wondering around.Identify: I need to identify a problem, making the street a place we all love and respect by designing furniture to enhance learning and is an extension of our classroom.
Research: We need to do some research to find designs of furniture to inspire our own ideas and get creative with it by looking up funky furniture and
Evaluate;To assess (How did I/we do)
Visualize:To see in your head,image
Reflect:To think carefully or deeply about it by focusing.
For the last 4-5 weeks Room 22 have been focusing on our topic Bigger,Better,Faster,Stronger and we are doing our design process and prototypes.
Room 22 got to some geometry but first we had to finish off our writing.I got a compass and a piece of paper then I drew 3 big circle and 3 small.It was pretty hard because my compass kept slipping down and making cricked circles but than I had more practice and my circles there looking much much better than before.
After that I colored it in with colored pencils but it wasn’t bright so I used pastels so you could see it.
Finishing so early I cut it out and Ms Tito put it up on the wall so everyone who finished got free time for 30 minutes.I just sorted out my pictures and then I listened to music.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Rugby League session
Room 22 had taken part in Rugby League yesterday.As we walked to the courts we happened to walk pass it because Ms Tito told us to line up but we scattered out like scrabbled eggs.
Then we all saw Sio Siua Taukeiaho from 2011 Vodafone Junior Warriors Squad.The first drill we did was zig zagging round the outside of the cone but we could only go 1 at a time.Henry started of for us and as Henry ran passed and he stepped ran down the pass and touched the line.When it was my turn I was shivering with excitement we got about 2 turns then moved on to the next game.
It was simile to the zig zag game but people where standing next to the cones to make it hard to see.When we went through the cones we cheated a couple of times but we didn’t care.
We played one more game you kicked it and try get the nearest person out or kick and caught.Every time a ball came next to me I moved but then Lepa got me out and I was like oh.Then we played 1 more time more and more people got and it was only Me,Annexe and Maree then Annexe just got Destiny out.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Last week on Thursday the year 7’s & 8’s all went to Tamaki College for the science roadshow to learn about science and it will help us with our topic Bigger,Better,Stronger Faster.
Before we left Ms Tito had split us into 6 groups and I was in Lepa’s group but there were three other people Kaiden,Annexe and Emilee. We lined up into three beautiful straight lines.
When we got there we had to find a seat and watched half of the show.As the show continued it was getting more interesting because Paul and Jan showed us some cool chemical's that were not to be played with.Then Paul burnt something and the fire went straight through.
Then Paul and Jan said we could have a little look around.The first thing I spotted was the walking piano it was pretty cool because when you walked on it the sound of the piano you could actually hear it and the person who put that together was really nice.
Waiting for the next show it was all about sound,sense and taste.Did you know that we have 10,000 taste buds.We were waiting for the winner of the roadshow prize and it was Awhina and Angelea.
What I liked about the Science roadshow was the inventions.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
For the last 2 weeks our whole senior block have been going swimming down at the GI pools.We went at 1.55 or 1.15 at lunch time when the bell nearly went Ms Tito told us to get ready and put our togs on.Then we had to walk down to the pools with room 20 but some people got left behind because they were not in the right place at the right time.
Miss Dempester was my swimming teacher in the big pool.First we had to do 4 laps of free-styling.We went one at a time so we didn't crash into one another so Miss Dempester told the fast people to go first.Just because it was the last day of swimming I thought we would have free time but no we had to do 5 laps then we had free time for 7 minutes or more.
I think swimming was a great opportunity because we need to learn how to swim and survive the seas and if was free too.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Taonga Time

Every Friday for hour and a half our 7's and 8's have Taonga time. Taonga is a maori word and it means treasure time why do we go where? It’s because we get to learn about our teacher’s different passion and get to do very fun stuff with teachers.
There are very different groups by different teachers .Some groups are Team building, Music,Ict,Sports and Kapa Haka.
Kapa Haka was the name of my group.Every one in our group loves Kapa Haka because that’s there passion about it.
How do I feel?I really like being in Kapa Haka because we get to perform in front heaps of people and also get to learn new waiata’s but also I like meeting new people and being with a awesome teacher Ms Tito.
How do I feel?I really like being in Kapa Haka because we get to perform in front heaps of people and also get to learn new waiata’s but also I like meeting new people and being with a awesome teacher Ms Tito.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Term One reflection
One of the things I was pleased about last term was my Artwork.My report results were pretty awesome I got excellent for Art,behaviour and my academic progress i got good.Next time I know i can do better .As my mum reed it me and her were really disappointed!
I need to improve on being focus more because I get nervous and don’t finish of my work and walk around and get put off when ever Ms T says” time to share it with me I have nothing to share with she.So next time my mum will see I’d finished my work of properly and smile at me!
How did my term go?It was amazing because I had met new people and made heaps of friends in my class and don’t forget my awesome teacher Ms Tito.Its really not what i was hoping for but its way better then I thought .So when I get my big report my mum will read it and smile at me!So that’s what my term was like?
These are my DLO results:

I need to improve on being focus more because I get nervous and don’t finish of my work and walk around and get put off when ever Ms T says” time to share it with me I have nothing to share with she.So next time my mum will see I’d finished my work of properly and smile at me!
How did my term go?It was amazing because I had met new people and made heaps of friends in my class and don’t forget my awesome teacher Ms Tito.Its really not what i was hoping for but its way better then I thought .So when I get my big report my mum will read it and smile at me!So that’s what my term was like?
These are my DLO results:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Bar Graph
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Kiaora and
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